The terrific Television's New Frontier: The 1960s
blog has numerous detailed and informative posts on many of our favorite westerns.
Below is the opening paragraph of their post on Bronco. For the full post click
on the link at the end...
As Bronco moved through the second half of Season 3 and the
beginning of Season 4 in 1961, nothing really changed from the previous
year--former Confederate soldier Bronco Layne continued to drift about the
west, former Confederate soldier Bronco Layne continued to drift about the
west, often called by an old friend to help deal with a difficult situation,
assigned by a territorial government to escort a detainee to prison, or
summoned to help bring in a fugitive who happens to be an old army commander of
his. Sometimes we find him already working as a buffalo hunter, as the sheriff
of Silver City, or as a deputy. And then occasionally he just wanders into
trouble, as in Stage to the Sky when he rides up just in time to stop a
lynching but then becomes the target of various attempted assaults for
defending the intended lynching victim. One thing remains constant, however—Bronco
will never have the same job from week to week or settle down anywhere for any
length of time, though he contemplates marriage and a ranching life in One
Came Back only to have his bride-to-be take a bullet to save him from her
criminal former boyfriend, a fate as predictable as all the other plots in the
typical Warner Brothers recycling factory.
For the full post CLICK HERE
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